DevOps Trends to be Observed from 2022 and Beyond

DevOps as the name suggests is a combination of software developers (dev) and operations (ops). In other words, DevOps seamlessly combines development and operations to help develop and deliver better software in a quick time by increasing the efficiency, speed, and security of the entire software development cycle. Adoption of DevOps methodology in software development shortens the software development cycle in the process aiding organizations in obtaining a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

DevOps development incorporates four key principles that together help foster a culture of shared collaboration and responsibility by incorporating the work of both the software development operation teams. The best aspects, as such, of DevOps methodology in software development are as:

  1. The entire software development lifecycle is automated
  2. Enhanced emphasis on collaboration and communication
  3. Efforts geared toward continuous improvement and maximum utilization of resources, and
  4. Intense focus on the needs of the users with short feedback loops

By adopting these principles, organizations can fully leverage the entire process of DevOps Software Development thus shortening the systems development life cycle and achieving a faster time to market.

How this transformation helps in future

With organizations across the globe embracing digitalization wholeheartedly, DevOps services are highly in demand. DevOps is the need of the hour as it helps in faster project deliveries through automation, collaboration, and quick feedback A report by Markets and Markets reveals that the DevOps market size is likely to cross $11 billion by 2023. Let’s have a look at how things will change and transform that is likely to lead to DevOps precipitous rise,

DevOps development promotes faster software development by enhancing better collaboration, communication, visibility, integration, and transparency between development teams (Dev) and their IT operations team (Ops) counterparts.

DevOps practices— DevOps methodology in software development reflects the idea of building and shipping applications at a faster pace through constant improvement and automation. A few important DevOps practices are as follows:

Continuous development— These deals with the planning and coding phases of the DevOps development operations.

Continuous testing— This practice deals with continued testing for creating secure code quickly.

Continuous integration (CI)— This practice is responsible for bringing configuration management (CM) tools together with other test and development tools to keep a tab on codes’ progress for production.

Continuous delivery— This practice involves automating the delivery of code changes post-testing.

Continuous monitoring— This stage involves incessant monitoring of codes that are in operation along with the underlying infra supporting that code.

Benefits of DevOps

Software development services using DevOps offer the following benefits for organizations.

  • Better quality products are delivered at a faster rate
  • Issue resolved in less time as complexity is involved
  • Higher level of scalability and availability
  • Operating environments that are more stabilized
  • Minimum wastage of resources
  • Greater automation and innovation

Top DevOps trends for 2022 and future

DevOps has cemented its place as a vital methodology for software development, thanks to its ability to build better software faster.

Even though DevOps has been on the horizon for quite some time now, significant changes in the DevOps ecosystem are taking place at a constant pace. New trends, development and, technologies are making DevOps a thrilling tool for now as well as for the future.

In this blog, we look at the top DevOps trends and their implications for the future.

Integration of Kubernetes with DevOps

One of the primary factors contributing to DevOps popularity and growth is the adoption of Kubernetes by tech organizations across the globe. A perfect tool for faster software delivery, Kubernetes facilitates real-time collaboration and sharing of applications between the software developers and the IT team.

Container management systems in conjunction with Kubernetes are already playing an important role in promoting automation and reducing human interaction through better application of AI and ML tools.

Kubernetes’ ability to support cloud DevOps through container-centric Microservices has made it hugely popular with big-shot software providers like RedHat.

Serverless Computing

The mammoth capital expenditure and operational cost associated with server infrastructure are the primary reasons organizations are opting for serverless DevOps processes. Apart from cost, serverless architecture also offers a host of other benefits including, a higher level of flexibility, better reliability, and faster speed, among others. Enterprises free from the burden of managing their servers on their premises can channel their resources towards other core business activities that will help them gain a competitive advantage in the marketplace.

Moreover, serverless DevOps operations relieve the DevOps team of an organization from having to bother about maintenance issues. Data shows that the serverless architecture market is expected to exceed $21 billion by 2025.

Growing Adoption of GitOps

GitOps is a newbie as far as DevOps culture is concerned, but it is making its presence felt by helping automate and manage the complete DevOps infrastructure. With GitOps, teams can carry on with DevOps software development as it helps in tasks like code review, version control, and CI/CD pipelines. Because of the heightened level of automation, the declaration files are stored in a Git repository, which aids in reducing downtime.


Amidst increasing threats of cyberattacks, many organizations are integrating security into their DevOps development and operations. It is anticipated that going forward, the momentum to move towards DevSecOps from the DevOps is only going to gather more pace, as more and more organizations opt to embed security measures rather early in the software development lifecycle. This will help DevOps engineers quickly identify and rectify security defects.

Click here to read about DevSecOps with Azure benefits

Increased incorporation of AI and ML

AI and ML tools are playing a vital role in digital transformation. DevOps software engineers are increasingly making use of AI and ML to make sense of test data. AI and ML can decipher patterns and help unearth coding problems to boost efficiency and delivery speed. Also, AI and ML can sift through the data to detect security breaches and attacks thus helping software development services reap maximum rewards.


As the world pivots rapidly towards the DevOps process, organizations need to adopt these DevOps trends to maximize their revenue and profit.

However, the benefits of DevOps can only be achieved by hiring a quality provider of DevOps services that can drive a comprehensive business transformation. Get in touch with us today to fully gain the benefits of current and future DevOps trends.