Digital Marketing Services

Don’t think that just owning a website is more than sufficient to reach your targeted customers. In this ever so growing digital world and highly competitive online marketing trend, having an appealing Website is not enough. What you need today is collaborative online marketing strategies that can help you reach as many audiences as you want by sending quality traffic to your website.

Reaching out More Clients with Established Online Marketing Services is an Awakening Thought

CG-VAK is one of the prominent Online Marketing Service providing companies in India that has successfully established its Niche in 16 countries. Our team of inventive and highly adaptive digital marketing professionals have the necessary skill and certifications to offer internet marketing solutions for companies across several industries, those giving them competitive advantage.

It is Not Just for eCommerce Businesses; Online Marketing Services Help Put Your Services in Front of People Who Really Need Them

Even if you don’t sell anything online, your business can be benefited immensely from an internet marketing strategy that talks about who you are, and what you can offer to clients scattered globally, with cost-effective and technically right tools and methodologies. And all of these at the right time and at the right place.

Stimulate Web Traffic – Convert Visitors to Clients – Beat Competitors – Retain Relationships – Measure & Optimise Business Plans – Amplify Client Base

Our Services

  • Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) – Heighten unpaid search ranking in top search engines
  • Search Engine Marketing (SEM/PPC) – Buy visits to your site through competitive ads in sponsored links
  • Social Media Marketing (SMM) – Optimised advertising campaigns on social media platforms for business promotions
  • Social Media Optimisation (SMO) – Continuously engage audiences with creative concepts such as images, visuals, graphics, posts and hashtags
  • Mobile SEO – Improve mobile web traffic and its presence

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You get assistance in all stages of your planning process. Whether you are a start-up or an enterprise we will guide you in overcoming your IT and software related challenges with uncompromising technical solutions. We are here to provide you with recommendations based on current market trends and changing scenarios.