It’s time to convert your website to progressive web app for your business!

A new revolution in this digital market – the Progressive Web Applications! Growing tremendously as a successful business-maker and a potential alternative for the native business applications.

Progressive Web Apps or PWA is not an unknown term in this digital world. Rather it is attaining vast popularity since its launch with a wide investment of many big businesses. Expansion of PWA is visible in various sectors – E-Commerce, Banks, Insurance, Media, Hotels, Travel, Entertainment, Social Networking, etc. More other businesses are ready to adopt this new technology.

An application available on a website with the look and feel of a software application without the need for an installation could be a beneficial diversion for users and businesses in this tough Covid-19 time. We all have faced lockdown and its repercussions like market slowdown due to low demands, inaccessibility to customers, revenues loss, job loss, and what not! Still, we have a chance to secure businesses from extra costs and load by shifting from native application to Progressive Web Application as it holds the potential to fill the progress gap before and after this lethal pandemic.

Why should your business consider moving to the Progressive Web App?

Most of the time, business companies consider the new technology or application when it has already proved its worth. Big market companies like Twitter, Alibaba, and Flipkart took a chance in the field of web application technologies when they decided to convert website to PWA and launched it for use publicly.

Let us have a view on achievements’ statistics of 5 of the companies who decided progressive web application development such as eCommerce PWA development, entertainment PWA development, information PWA development, etc. and continuing its use

There are many more companies like Trivago, BookMyShow, Pinterest, etc. who are facilitating mobile PWA or desktop progressive web apps widely (from eCommerce PWA development to Information PWA development). The achievements mentioned above prove for the requirement of progressive web application development for desktop as well as progressive mobile apps.

This trust of the companies stands on the multiple advantages of PWA over native apps and responsive websites such as –

  • Cost-effective App-like user interface
  • Web-based, quick loading
  • Offline Accessibility
  • Support to Low Network
  • Automatic Updates
  • Vast Searching Capacity
  • Advanced Security
  • Push Notifications, Call to Action, One-Click Payment
  • Mobile friendly and Desktop Apps
  • Supports All Operating Systems
  • Independency on App Store

When talking about the business PWA, the eCommerce Progressive Web App is equally valuable as mobile PWA for Small Business Enterprises to grow. It is a wide sector affair!

The big decision to convert website to Progressive Web App can be sorted well through checking business PWA benefits as discussed below:

Fastest Page Loading Experience

Owing to robust PWA designs, it works on low network connection efficiently and provides a faster page loading speed for progressive application and to increase business at a quicker rate.

Sharp Increase in Mobile Traffic

With an app like user experience in mobile interface design and interactive, user-friendly attribute in mobile PWA, it shows a tremendous increase in mobile traffic which prosperous the business ultimately.

Impeccable User Engagement Rate

Being an open source software, Android software development would be free of licensing requirements. It adopts the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) tools to develop application software which integrates a highly efficient framework, debuggers, emulators and standardization to design the quality mobile applications.

Cost-Effective App Development

Progressive Web Apps for eCommerce and other PWAs could achieve a high engagement rate with exclusive website user experience, quick loading, push notifications, easy search, accessibility, etc. attributes.

Big Reduction in Bounce Rate

The bounce rate of the website page would stoop down quite low with progressive design websites as PWA works offline, with low network and can be accessed anywhere.

Much Amplified Conversion Rate

Growth in Conversion Rate is a big aspect of a healthy business. Choosing to convert website into PWA can bring multiple folds increase in Conversion Rate with a user-friendly interface, one-click payments, dynamic uploading, wide compatibility, etc.

Quick Jump in Page per Sessions Rate

Each business website desires a growing Page per Sessions Rate which is possible by Progressive Web App development and its use. Interactive PWA designs cover a gap between native applications and responsive websites to deliver a quick web page loading allowing visitors to access multiple pages per session.

Effective Ways to Use PWA Designs for Better User Experience

Those businesses which are trying their first hands to convert website to Progressive Web App should consider certain aspects in their progressive design websites to create the user engagement never like before. Advanced preparation is required to shift from custom native apps designs to PWA designs.

Check out the helpful measures for the progressive web app development company to provide PWA users the best website user experience.

By Designing for Wide Range Compatibility

Hire Progressive Web App Developer to design PWA apps compatible with mobile devices, OS, desktop, or majorly used web browsers. It expands the accessibility area for users.

By Focusing on Offline Access

The dedicated developers by Progressive Web App Development Company can engage many users by driving focus towards an Offline approach to the PWA app when there is zero network connection.

By Swift Page Loading

Designs must determine the instant page loading on access without wasting the user’s time. For great user experience, PWA designers should implement the PRPL pattern introduced by Google.

P – Pushing Critical Resources

R – Rendering Initial Route

L – Lazy-loading rest parts

By Building Content Responsive PWA

UX must be really good during PWA development and making PWA content responsive should be a concern behind. Responsive content can be built with – One Click Sharing, Multiple Widgets, Placeholders use, placing links, interactive features, using native mobile interface design, etc.

By Avoiding Chances of Scrolling Glitches

With thoughtful use of web application technologies, the PWA should be designed such that the user would not have to suffer scrolling glitches like returning to the home page start position while going back from an opened page, blank feeds on scrolling, or other. The scrolling effect must be smooth and clear.

Get experts’ consultation over PWA development (Xamarin progressive Web App, Python progressive Web App, eCommerce progressive web app, or any) via our CGVAK as your offshore software development services.


Businesses of all scales have a great chance to redeem the loss in this pandemic by shifting from native applications to Progressive Application. One cannot ignore the multiple advantages owned by PWA today that helped business growth to a good list of companies in all sectors. Seeking the current tight scenario, we can say it is the time for companies to hire progressive web developer and get ready to convert website to PWA.