Overcoming Infrastructure Automation Challenges for Seamless Implementation

Simplifying tasks and accelerating project delivery are two of the primary issues facing every IT firm. Modern apps are in high demand and are constantly growing to meet the massive amounts of data that devices and end users are generating.

Maintaining the program’s operation properly and error-free necessitates that software development firms continually become involved in new deployment settings. However, manual infrastructure configuration and provisioning are inefficient and sluggish.

Infrastructure automation steps in at this point to help IT firms overcome these difficulties, streamline operations, and enhance productivity and speed by empowering software teams to carry out all essential administration duties with little to no assistance from humans.

In this blog, let’s understand how to overcome the infrastructure challenges for seamless implementation.

Infrastructure Architecture – A Quick Rundown

As functionalities are created that may be employed by additional programs or on command, IT infrastructure automation services will decrease the need for human contact with IT systems.

A repeatable infrastructure that is automated enables developers to swiftly set up environments with a specific aim, such as integrated development, user acceptability testing, or production.

Therefore, infrastructure-level automation has a significant positive impact on modern designs, including microservices and monolithic architecture. This idea may be implemented to automate procedures and quickly control IT components, such as operating networks, network elements, servers, and storage. The major goal of this is to boost a firm’s IT personnel and operational efficiency.

Challenges In Implementing Infrastructure Automation

Every firm today considers automated infrastructure management to be essential, as we are all aware, and demand for it is rising as a result.

While more and more IT firms have adopted new approaches throughout time and have become used to them, this doesn’t imply that they aren’t still faced with obstacles; in fact, they have increased in number.

In general, introducing new technology into any firm to boost efficiency and facilitate operations occasionally does not result in enhanced performance. As a result, processing has slowed down since it takes time to optimize, comprehend, and set up the IT infrastructure for the new technology. In addition to this, firms also encounter the following problems when attempting to embrace the IT infrastructure automation process:


Every IT firm needs a new culture, but crucial conditions for development include learning and disruption. It indicates that when a firm’s staff is not in the correct frame of mind, projects might fail.

The key justification for this is that if the team’s collective thinking is not the same, optimizing infrastructure may slow down development and operational procedures. It means that individuals who lack the necessary technical experience and mentality will have a very difficult time adjusting to new and advanced technologies.

Therefore, before implementing automation that comes with the newest technology, firms must first address that problem and aid individuals in developing their abilities.

Outdated Infrastructure:

Automation is crucial when it comes to using productive ideas or following procedures associated with cutting-edge technology like DevOps for infrastructure. In these circumstances, an antiquated infrastructure with limited automation or no self-service is ineffective. The cause of this is that infrastructure management services need ongoing updates and modifications to prevent problems of any kind.

When large IT infrastructures are equally dependable in pre-production and production settings, the firm is robust to failure, and it has rapid access to its processes. Excellent automation methods start to take shape.

Attempting Too Many Things at Once:

Deployment, automatic tests, disposable infrastructure, monitoring and alerting, continuous integration, a secure fortress, and continuous delivery all require time to implement. You risk being overtaken by several obstacles at once if you don’t concentrate on one issue at a time and go at your natural pace.

Being Oblivious to Mistakes:

Although systems are not intended to malfunction or fail, they do. Imagine having a quick technique to assess the system’s health and detect any problematic components.

Observability is the name of that ideal, and even the most fundamental possession is an effort that is going to soon pay dividends.

Communication And Processes:

DevOps and other infrastructure automation tools and technologies are all about interdisciplinary collaboration. It also means that every team member in an organization has to communicate effectively.

Additionally, when the test procedures are manually constructed and the communications are old, providing the resources might take a long time.

Tools And Applications:

Modifying an application is one of the biggest obstacles IT firms encounter when it involves building public or private cloud infrastructure.

Making updates to an application is a tough operation that takes a lot of time and effort since there is a communication gap between business users and software engineers.

In other instances, customers believe that a single app would solve all of their issues, even if they are unaware of the intricacy involved in the back-end integration procedure.

Developers, on the other hand, don’t adhere to a systematic view of the enterprise, and as a result, they cannot comprehend why a quick-fix solution won’t work. However, if the creators and users often employ unauthorized tools, it may worsen the issue and complicate the procedure.


Budgeting is a problem that firms have while introducing infrastructure automation. Capital and operating costs are constantly linked in every firm.

When businesses implement infrastructure and automation tools, they start to scale up their infrastructure, adding costs to the already existing infrastructure, which may not be completely cost-effective for all firms.

Lack of Resources or Time to Complete it Properly:

Being aware of this widespread error is the greatest defense against it. No firm has the time to look into every possibility and take everything into account. Even if it were possible, the ideal option right now won’t be the best in a year or a month.

Propose an equitable approach that will enhance the system over its current state at a fair cost by investigating all of your possibilities. As many times as necessary, this cycle shall be repeated.

How Does it help Working and Give the Best for Infrastructure Automation?

Firms may bring repeatability and predictability to the procedures used to handle the setup of IT workloads by adopting infrastructure automation.

By releasing priceless IT resources and minimizing complexity, it helps the IT department adhere to its service level agreements. It aids firms in putting more emphasis on commercial value than on menial infrastructure administration.

And in the long run, it can assist firms in boosting uptime and accelerating the regularity of the deployment of new workloads.

Additionally, automation helps the teams of the firm handle complicated environments with the current employees as infrastructure increases in any firm. It implies that continuing tasks including network management, troubleshooting, deploying application workloads, user access management, IMAC or install, move, add, change of workloads, storage administration, data administration, and debugging are all made simpler by infrastructure automation.

Streamline The Process:

Make sure it provides all the necessary security and maximizes productivity if you want to standardize the provisioning procedure throughout your organization.

A firm once employed a ticket-based system for providing infrastructure, which made IT the gatekeeper. At that moment, they regulate the infrastructure but also impede developer productivity by causing bottlenecks.

Therefore, to prevent this, firms must have a standardized workflow that minimizes duplication of effort and incorporates suitable safeguards for operational consistency and security.

Organize And Scale Operations:

To profit from infrastructure automation, firms need to operate at scale and continually optimize their infrastructure, not only have a standardized procedure.

For this, you must provide developers with self-service, automated infrastructure setup with the appropriate controls in place to address policy infractions.

Adopt And Implement a Workflow for Provisioning:

It’s like courting mayhem when infrastructure is manually provisioned and updated more frequently than once per day, utilizing various methods. Teams may occasionally have trouble working together and sharing a perspective on the structure of the company.

Firms must adopt and set up infrastructure and solutions in cloud provisioning methods that are uniform for every cloud, private data center, or service to solve this issue.


Technologies for infrastructure automation are crucial for IT orchestration, effectiveness, and a firm’s digital transformation. They are also crucial in IT firms because they help teams manage tasks quickly and effectively.

But it’s crucial to choose the appropriate collection of technologies when any IT firm wishes to apply infrastructure automation. These technologies can assist in automating repetitive processes and boosting team members’ productivity.

If you’re still unsure about the best infrastructure tools to implement, keep in mind certain key elements. One tool may not be able to satisfy all of your firm’s needs.

To meet your essential needs, you may occasionally need many tools. To properly ship and test using an exploratory test toolkit, tool sets have to be chosen based on the team’s requirements.