Cloud Computing Trends 2018

If you are a new entrant to cloud computing, then this is probably the right time to get updated with what’s new in the cloud computing business in 2018. Your anticipation to use the cloud for the best of your business could get interesting with this latest Global Cloud Index Forecast by Cisco. We have compiled a set of the coolest trends to motivate you on your cloud migration.

SaaS takes Center-stage

According to the Cisco survey on cloud services, SaaS will bag the trophy in 2018 as the most highly deployed cloud services. With a whopping 60% of all cloud-based workloads, SaaS will have a 12% increase over the 2017 forecast. PaaS and IaaS are next in the line to follow.

The 2016 predictions turned out positive in 2017 and it wouldn’t be surprising if there’s going to be greater growth beyond the numbers in 2018. If you want to simplify your business operations while enhancing your customer experience, then this is just the right time to integrate SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS cloud services into your business workflow

Soaring Global Cloud Storage

With the ever soaring amount of data that demands an enormous storage; more online data centers with larger-capacity storage equipment will hit the market to meet these demands. According to the Cisco survey the predicted 600 EB global storage capacity for 2017 is expected to grow to a 1.1 ZB in 2018. These numbers drive data center owners to perk up their storage capacity to meet their customer’s storage needs. Large businesses can take advantage of this space to store large sets of data and enhance their user-experience, while small businesses can use this space to have custom storage options at a competitive price than it has been so far.

Fine-tuned SaaS, PaaS & IaaS for 5G Network Capability

On one hand, the amount of data generated and stored is expected to have an exponential growth in 2018. On the other hand users expect faster and better network connections for which several groups have started working on the improvements already. With all these efforts, consumers can have access to full 5G network capabilities in no time.

Enhanced network connection motivates users to expect fast-loading, responsive apps. This demands upgraded SaaS, PaaS, and IaaS platforms. The IoT and IoE sectors can have the most advantage of faster network speeds to exchange real-time data efficiently.

Cloud-Enhanced Cyber Security

2017 has had more cyber attacks and 2018 is also prone to more such attacks. Businesses are expected to invest more in Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) and malware detection systems to defend their business. Cloud computing again has a major role in helping businesses that could not otherwise implement full security measures.

Know how you can get the most out of these cloud computing advancements in 2018. Talk to Us Today!