Website Re-engineering Services

Change –Create –Innovate. If it’s the ideal way to evolve as a human being in this world, then it should be the most competitive way to ensure that your brand company is keeping stride with the cutting-edge web technology evolution.

If you don’t want your clients to get bored of the same old thing on your website, the same design, the same navigations, the same everything, then choose CG-VAK’s website re-engineering services, a rewarding make-over of your existing website to stay competitive and retain as many clients.

This is What We Do – CG-VAK Website Re-Engineering Approach

Re-engineering websites is a process where experts re-conceptualise and re-design existing website’s layout, colour combinations, content, graphic and animation. It is like giving a fresh hair-cut to your overgrown and unkempt hair.

A new attractive design automatically garners more views and psychologically pushes people’s mind to buy more services or products.

Viewers Can Easily Get Distracted with New Things Around – Don’t Lag Behind, Give Something More for your Clients to Come Back

You will never know when you have lost your clients to something better at your competitors’. We at CG-VAK, with our comprehensive web re-engineering team and industry best tools and framework, analyse current website situation, compare with the most effective ones across the industry and then design and deliver a strategy that helps promote and highlight mail content and details of your site.

What Includes in our Website Re-engineering Service

We work at changing the web layout, modifying the site navigation, updating the colours, reformatting the site, improving the content and do other suitable changes. We have an incredible management team that systematically analyses the current website position in terms of ranking, traffics, links and backlinks & SEO, and provide an optimised content re-engineering strategy.

We ensure that your website –a new face of your company, which visitors check to gain suitable business insights about the company – is user-friendlier and detailed.

Our Evidence-based Designs Help You to Succeed and Strive for Results – We are Driven by World-class Talent

  • Completely re-define your website, and give it a new feel and look, while ensuring no important content and technicalities are missed
  • Consistent, Collaborate and Comprehensive Content Management System
  • Refurbished website that adheres to latest technological interventions and parameters
  • Deploy most popular and optimised Platforms and Frameworks like CSS3, HTML5, Web2.0 etc.
  • Cost effective packages, extremely beneficial for SMEs and Start-ups

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You get assistance in all stages of your planning process. Whether you are a start-up or an enterprise we will guide you in overcoming your IT and software related challenges with uncompromising technical solutions. We are here to provide you with recommendations based on current market trends and changing scenarios.