Legacy Applications: Upgrading for the Future with the Right Modernization Strategy

Legacy application modernization is all about giving new life to your old software systems. It’s like giving your trusty car a tune-up to make sure it runs smoothly on the road. In this day and age, with technology advancing at lightning speed, it’s crucial for businesses to keep their legacy applications up-to-date if they want to stay ahead of the game and keep relevant in their industry. By doing so, they can continue to drive their operations forward and achieve their goals with ease.

A study conducted by Forrester Research found that legacy IT system modernization is a top priority for enterprises. The research revealed that organizations that have modernized their legacy applications had experienced significant benefits, including increased efficiency, improved innovation, and reduced costs. Furthermore, updated legacy IT systems offer enhanced security and a better user experience for employees and customers.

However, the legacy application modernization approach is not a straightforward process and requires a well-thought-out strategy to be successful. Organizations must assess their current technology infrastructure and determine which legacy applications require upgrading. They must also consider the resources and budget required to complete the modernization process and ensure that the new systems are compatible with existing technology.

Right Approaches/ Strategy For Legacy Application Modernization

The right approach to application modernization depends on each organization’s specific needs and constraints. Factors such as the size and complexity of the legacy application, the available budget and resources, and the desired outcome should all be considered when choosing the best approach. Working with experienced professionals who deeply understand legacy applications and the modernization process is essential for a successful outcome.


Moving the legacy application to a new technology stack or platform is a way to improve its speed and reliability and modernize the technology used to build the application. However, this process can be complex and time-consuming, requiring a deep understanding of the legacy application and its dependencies. The re-platforming approach involves analysing the existing application and its dependencies to determine the best way to move it to a new technology stack. It may involve re-writing some application parts or simply migrating it to a new platform. The ultimate goal of re-platforming is to modernize the technology used to build the application while preserving its functionality and stability.


Changing the underlying architecture of the legacy application can result in improved performance, scalability, and the ability to integrate with newer systems. This approach requires a deep understanding of the application and its dependencies and can be complex and time-consuming. Re-architecting involves analyzing the existing architecture of the application and determining the best way to update it. It may include breaking down the application into smaller, more manageable components or re-designing its data structures to improve scalability and performance. The ultimate goal of re-architecting is to improve the overall performance and stability of the legacy application.


The approach involves packaging the legacy application into containers, which can improve its portability and ease of deployment. Containerization can also provide a cost-effective solution for running legacy applications in the cloud. Packaging the legacy application into a container can be isolated from other systems and deployed on different platforms without worrying about compatibility issues. Additionally, containers can be easily managed and scaled, making them an ideal solution for running legacy applications in the cloud.

Cloud Migration:

Legacy system modernization to cloud involves a scalable, cost-effective solution that can improve the application’s reliability and performance. The cloud also provides access to modern technologies and services that can further enhance the application. Cloud migration involves analysing the existing application and determining the best way to move it to the cloud. It includes re-writing some parts of the application or simply migrating it to a cloud-based platform. The ultimate goal of cloud migration is to provide a scalable and cost-effective solution for running the legacy application while taking advantage of the benefits of the cloud.


This approach involves completely re-writing the legacy application, taking into account modern technologies, best practices, and user needs. This can provide a clean slate and the opportunity to adopt modern technologies, but it also requires significant time and resources. The ultimate goal of re-engineering is to offer a modern, scalable, and efficient application that can meet the demands of the digital age.

Legacy Application Modernization Provided By CG-VAK

The following legacy modernization services from CG-VAK help organizations modernize their technology infrastructure and keep their critical systems up-to-date. Organizations can use these legacy system services to improve their competitiveness, efficiency, and overall technology performance. The following are the services provided by CG-VAK:

Technology modernization:

Upgrading the technology stack to the latest and most advanced technologies, allowing organizations to take advantage of the latest advancements and improve efficiency and competitiveness.

Architecture modernization:

Upgrading the underlying architecture of technology systems to ensure they are scalable, flexible, and able to integrate with newer systems, improving performance and reliability.

UI/UX modernization: 

Updating the user interface and user experience of technology systems to ensure they are user-friendly and accessible, improving overall user experience.

Migration and integration:

Migrating legacy systems to new platforms and integrating them with other technology systems to improve efficiency and functionality, allowing for seamless integration of legacy systems with more recent legacy IT systems.

Application Re-engineering:

Re-designing and rebuilding legacy applications to ensure they are scalable, flexible, and able to meet the demands of the digital age, improving efficiency and competitiveness in the digital landscape.

Key Technologies For Legacy Application Modernization

The critical technologies for legacy application modernization include cloud, containers and Kubernetes, microservices, and automation and orchestration. These technologies provide a flexible, scalable, and efficient solution for modernizing legacy applications, improving their performance, scalability, and reliability while reducing the costs associated with managing complex applications. By taking advantage of these technologies, organizations can transform their legacy applications into modern, efficient, and scalable solutions that meet the digital age’s demands.

Cloud Tech: 

With the cloud, organizations can host their applications on a remote server, eliminating the need to manage their infrastructure. It reduces the costs associated with hardware and maintenance while providing a more efficient solution for running applications. Several types of cloud services are available, including Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Google Cloud provides a range of cloud computing services, including infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS), and software as a service (SaaS). It offers high-performance computing, data analytics, and machine learning capabilities, making it ideal for organizations looking to modernize their legacy applications.

Containers & Kubernetes:

Containers and Kubernetes are an increasingly popular solution for legacy IT system modernization. Containers are a lightweight and portable alternative to virtual machines, isolating applications from the underlying infrastructure and making them more mobile. Kubernetes is an open-source orchestration system that automates containerized applications’ deployment, scaling, and management. Together, containers and Kubernetes provide a flexible and scalable solution for legacy application modernization, allowing organizations to move their applications to the cloud or run them on-premise.


A modern architectural style involves breaking down a complex application into smaller, more manageable services. Each service is designed to perform a specific task and can be developed, deployed, and maintained independently of the other services. This approach provides several benefits, including improved scalability, faster deployment times, and updating individual services without affecting the entire application. Microservices is an effective solution for legacy application modernization, allowing organizations to modernize their applications and improve their performance, reliability, and scalability.

Automation & Orchestration: 

It is critical for legacy application modernization, providing a way to automate and streamline the deployment and management of applications. Automation and orchestration tools provide a centralized platform for deploying, scaling, and managing applications, reducing the manual effort required to handle complex applications. This approach offers a more efficient solution for running applications, allowing organizations to focus on improving their application’s performance and scalability rather than managing the underlying infrastructure.

In conclusion, businesses have been compelled to quicken their digital transformation due to growing competition and external factors such as the pandemic. However, the presence of legacy applications can be a hindrance to this transformation process. Nearly a third of organizations feel that the lack of integration between modern and legacy apps, as well as the inoperability between multiple systems, will limit their growth. As a result, upgrading these legacy systems and applications is crucial for businesses to successfully navigate their digital transformation journey.